My Little Pony fanfic:
I'm afraid, and this one, well, this one gets down into the weeds, as they say.
It extrapolates upon information given in the two-part, second season opening episode, "The Return of Harmony" as well as the historical play the ponies put on during the episode entitled "Hearth's Warming Eve." Add in a strange revelation from a Hasbro toy display that there's apparently a third winged unicorn princess named Cadence who hasn't actually appeared in the cartoon, and the stewpot I call my head threw together the following.
This is Part 1. Part 2 is soon to follow!
Trying her best to look like nopony at all, Clover trudged
through the backstreets and forced herself not to sigh when the
sun reversed course with a screech and plunged back below the
horizon. A sound like glass shattering, and the full moon shot
into the sky like a stone from a sling, the drifting cotton
candy clouds bursting to pink mist.
How long had it been like this? Weeks, maybe? Months?
Her whole life, it seemed sometimes....
She shrugged the cloak closer around her shoulders, winced
at a gust of chocolate milk rain spattering into her face, at
the cobblestones below her hoofs suddenly going squishy,
squeaking like rubber toys with each step she took. She could
still remember the time before, though, could remember Princess
Platinum standing on this very hill and proclaiming it the site
of Canterlot, the city the unicorns would build in accordance
with the agreement Clover had put together with Smart Cookie and
Pansy: "A shining jewel," the princess had said that day, "and a
symbol of this partnership we unicorns have forged with our
neighbors, the earth ponies and the pegasi! Together,
therefore, let us create our land, our dream, our Equestria!"
That had only been a year ago, she was sure, two years at
the longest, the construction going so quickly with the pegasi
and earth ponies helping. And she would never forget standing
with Cookie and Pansy at the party the princess had called the
Grand Galloping Gala, the purple flare of the princess's horn
wielding the scissors, Commander Hurricane and Chancellor
Puddinghead on either side of her as they cut the ceremonial
ribbon across the city gates--
Just as that first drop of chocolate splashed against her