Monday, July 4, 2011

Half the Day is Night, Epilogue

Prologue ; Chapter 1 ; Chapter 2 ; Chapter 3 ; Chapter 4 ; Chapter 5

Chapter 6 ; Chapter 7 ; Chapter 8 ; Chapter 9 ; Chapter 10

Chapter 11 ; Chapter 12 ; Chapter 13 ; Chapter 14 ; Chapter 15

     "You see?" Luna asked, her gossamer diagram spinning above 

the center of her room, the spark in her voice making Celestia 

smile.  "It'll be just like what we were doing before except now 

we'd announce the dawn and dusk there in the center of the 

courtyard where as many ponies as possible can see it instead of 

each of us going back to her throne to make it happen."  She 

grinned with an eagerness Celestia hadn't seen in her for a 

long, long time.  "Whaddaya think, Sunny?"

     Celestia cocked her head.  "I think my vacation did you 

more good than it did me."

     Luna laughed.  "I think you're right."  Her smile faded.  

"It's just...we owe them so much, all those ponies, and we 

can't...I mean, they can't...they don't--"  All her previous 

good humor disappeared, and Celestia's shoulders tightened.  

Could it finally be time?

     She leaned forward, touched her nose to Luna's neck.  

"Starry?  What's wrong?"

     Her voice came out as the barest whisper.  "How, Sunny?  

How can we be friends with them when someday they're all going"  She choked off and turned her head to meet 

Celestia's, her distress darkening the glow of her horn.

     Yes, it was time.  "Like this," she said softly, and 

flexing her neck to bring her horn into contact with her 

sister's, she cast the spell she'd been longing to share with 

Luna for a thousand and one years.

     Luna's room vanished around them, the dark of the early 

evening sky outside replaced by a stranger darkness, a velvet 

quality to it that Celestia had only ever found in this place.  

"What--??" Luna asked in alarm, stepping back, looking around, 

the silver aurora of her mane suddenly spiky.  "Where--??"

     "It's all right," Celestia said quickly.  And it was better 

than all right, the tree beside them exactly as it should be, 

the grassy hills rising up on all sides to create  a little 

valley under the soft violet light of the sky.  "This is the 

Grove, a place I found at the end of that horrible, horrible 

first week after I'd sent you into exile, a place I once thought 

was a dream, but I know it's not."

     Still looking around, Luna seemed to have lost most of her 

panic.  "It feels welcoming somehow."  She turned to 

face the tree, and Celestia heard her gasp at what--or rather 

who--was lying there asleep: Twilight Sparkle and her friends, 

just as Celestia had expected, but also Ory Stargazer and his 

mother.  Which made sense, Celestia decided.

     "That--"  Luna swung her head from the sleeping ponies to 

Celestia and back again.  "That isn't really them.  Is it?"

     "It will be."  And for all the time Celestia had had to 

plan, she still wasn't sure how to explain this place to Luna.  

"I first found my way here the night after we'd gotten the stars 

I'd managed to blow out back into the sky.  I saw all the ponies 

who'd helped me, all the ponies I now thought of as my friends, 

all sleeping under this tree just like this."

     The quiet made her whisper, but Luna's pricked ears told 

her she was catching every word.  "And then...then the next 

week, Swampy, one of the old earth ponies who'd shown me how to 

get the marsh gas burning, she died, and after the funeral, in 

my grief, I sought this place out again, wanting only to see her 

safely asleep, and instead...instead when I arrived here, 

she...she was awake, Starry.  She was awake, and she knew me, 

knew everything she should've known, was herself, her real self, 


     Luna was staring at her.  "You mean...she's here now?"

     Celestia pointed her nose to the hills around them.  "Just 

over the crest with everypony else who's awake.  At least, I'm 

guessing: this is your Grove, not mine.  But it feels the same 

here, so I'm betting mine's not too far away."

     "Then--"  Luna kept looking back and forth.  "Any mortal 

friends we make, they...they come here after they die?"

     "They do."  Celestia couldn't keep the excitement out of 

her voice.  "And any friends our friends make, they'll show up 

as well!  My Grove is a huge valley filled with sleeping ponies, 

dragons, griffins, every living creature who's ever made a 

friend, a chain linking back a thousand years with me in the 

center!  And with two of us out in the world now--"

     "But Twilight and AJ and everypony!"  Luna's horn glowed 

black in confusion.  "Aren't they already in your Grove?  

And...are you saying--"  Light danced in her eyes.  "You're 

saying I can meet the ponies who helped you with the night all 

the time I was gone?"

     Celestia flared her wings.  "Let's go see," she said.

And that's the end! Thanks for reading!

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