Monday, June 13, 2011

Half the Day is Night, Chapter 12

Prologue ; Chapter 1 ; Chapter 2 ; Chapter 3 ; Chapter 4 ; Chapter 5

Chapter 6 ; Chapter 7 ; Chapter 8 ; Chapter 9 ; Chapter 10

Chapter 11

     The story made Rainbow Dash shout "What??" more than a 

few more times, and by the time Rarity got to the part about 

her and Ory Stargazer kissing, Dash wasn't the only one.

     "What??"  Twilight's mane seemed to be standing on end.  

"Ory??  But he's...he's--!"

     "Such a gentlecolt!" Rarity breathed.  "I always dreamed 

of coming to Canterlot and meeting a prince, but, well, Ory 

was going to be Night Minister, and that's nearly the same 

thing."  She sighed, a blush lighting her cheeks, and Dash 

couldn't help remembering her own blush earlier in the Citadel 

garden with Captain Destrier.

     Which made her clear her throat.  "I think you're missing 

the point here, Rarity!  Somepony just tried to kill you!"

     Rarity rolled her eyes.  "Well, yes, if you want to dwell 

on the more unpleasant aspects of the evening..."

     A snort from Applejack.  "And that proves this ain't no 

test from Princess Celestia.  This is broken-leg serious."

     "Indeed."  Princess Luna spoke for the first time since 

Dash had come in, and the rumble of anger in her voice made 

the cheerful firelight suddenly a whole lot scarier.  "You 

said earlier, Minister Applejack, that you suspected Lord 

Daybreak or Lady Stargazer of being behind this.  In the 

morning, then, I'll have Captain Destrier and the guard--"

     "No!" Dash shouted--and was more than a little surprised 

when Rarity and Twilight echoed it just as loudly.

     Pinkie blinked at them.  "Was that just a song?  Did I 

miss rehearsal?"

     "It's impossible!" Rarity was saying.  "Why would Ory's 

mother or his uncle want to kill him?"

     "And think about it, your Highness!" Twilight cut in.  

"Arresting the Day Minister and the former Night Minister?    

They have a lot of friends in Canterlot, and you--"  She bit 

her lower lip.  "Well, you said it yourself, princess.  You 

just have us."

     "Nope!"  Pinkie waved a hoof.  "She's got all those 

ponies who came tonight, and all those ponies who'll come 

tomorrow night!"  She turned to Rarity.  "Oh, and I gave 'em 

all ribbons, too.  Hope you don't mind."

     Rarity gave Pinkie one of her sideways look.  "Darling, 

you were the one laying down rules for ribbon distribution."

     "That was me??"  Pinkie seemed genuinely shocked, and 

Dash couldn't help grinning.  "Huh.  Well, I guess I musta 

known what I was doing, then."

     "But we need more evidence, your Highness."  Twilight 

sighed.  "And by 'more,' I mean 'any at all.'"

     Princess Luna's eyes narrowed.  "I really must remember 

to thank Sister for going off on vacation and leaving me in 

the middle of all this."  She turned those narrow eyes toward 

Applejack.  "Minister?"

     "She ain't wrong, ma'am."  Applejack looked really worn 

out, Dash thought.  "We got nothin' 'nless we can find a good, 

solid connection to them ponies Dash and Pinkie brought in 

this mornin'--or yesterday mornin' now, ain't it?"

     The princess huffed a breath.  "Politics."  Then suddenly 

her gaze was swinging around and fixing on Dash.  "And you, 

minister?  What's your objection?"

     "Oh."  She tried to act nonchalant.  "Just that you don't 

need to wait for Des and the Day Guard if you wanna arrest 

anypony since, y'know, you've got the Night Guard and all."

     "The--"  Princess Luna's face went blank for a moment, 

then slid into a slight scowl.  "I believe I've made it plain, 

Minister Dash, that I have no need of--"

     "Yeah, but, see, you do."  Dash grinned at the sudden 

silence, everypony staring at her now, and she had to wonder 

how often the princess got interrupted.  Not often, she 

guessed, her stomach flopping queasily, so she pretended she 

was doing something easy instead--like flying blindfolded 

through a thunderstorm.  "And I'll be happy to explain why, 

too, if that'd be OK, your Highness."

     Another moment, then a little smile pulled at Princess 

Luna's muzzle.  "Well, now that you've got me interested...."

     "It's just--"  Dash tried to organize her thoughts, but 

it was way too late--or like AJ said, way too early--for that.  

So she gave up.  "I mean, you saw it, your Highness, same as I 

did!  We walked outta the Day Palace with Captain Destrier and 

the music and the banners and ev'rything, and when we got to 

the Night Palace--"  She stuck her tongue out and blew a 


     "Hey!" from Pinkie.  

     "OK, yeah."  Dash nodded to her friend.  "You did a great 

job with the place, Pinkie, but that you hadta do so much work 

just proves my point!  You remember, your Highness, how 

worried you got that first minute we walked in here?"

     Twilight still seemed a little shocked, but the princess 

was looking more thoughtful than mad.  So Dash figured she 

might as well go on.  "Of course, we don't want any big 

productions like they do over in the Day Palace, but a little 

something is a whole lot better than a big nothing.  And the 

thing is: you could've had that little something already here 

the whole time!"  She waved her hoof toward the night 

barracks.  "Six months ago, you had a hundred ponies out 

there, ponies who'd sworn their lives to serve Equestria.  And 

you said you didn't want 'em."  She lowered her voice.  "Might 

be you know what that's like, showing up night after night to 

do a job nopony seems to appreciate."

     The only sound for a moment was the crackling of the 

torches.  Dash tapped her necklace.  "Those forty-nine loyal 

ponies who haven't resigned yet, your Highness?  They've been 

trying to figure out what they can do for you.  But loyalty's 

a two-way street.  They go through the academy, prove they've 

got the stuff, and swear their oath, but then, see, then it's 

your turn.  'Cause you're their princess.  And you've got 

responsibilities to 'em."

     Princess Luna was looking into the fire.  "It was so much 

easier before..."

     "What??"  Pinkie's voice came loud as a cymbal crash.  

"No, it wasn't!"

     "I beg your pardon??"  Anger creased the princess's 

forehead as she snapped a glare at Pinkie Pie.

     "Well??"  Pinkie glared back.  "If it was so easy back 

then, why'd you spend a thousand years on the moon??"

     "Pinkie!"  Twilight was on her hoofs now.

     But Pinkie had leaped up as well, was springing past 

Twilight to slide on her knees to Princess Luna's side, 

Pinkie's eyes wide and shimmering.  "But you don't hafta be 

jealous anymore, princess!  'Cause, sure, we love your sister, 

but we love you, too!  And your sister loves you even more!"

     The princess had gone completely still, her purple-black 

mane puffing up so much like a thunderhead, Dash had to 

swallow, the sudden tightness in the air making her feel the 

way she did when she really let herself go, just poured on the 

speed and blasted over the landscape, everything vibrating and 

blurring like she was heading for the sound barrier with no 

hope of stopping.  "Uhh, Pinkie?" she managed to say.

     "But you hafta stop trying to be the sun!" Pinkie was 

going on, glowing against the rising dark of Princess Luna.  

"You don't shine on ev'rypony the same all the time ev'rywhere 

like your sister does!  You're closer, softer; you just shine 

on one pony at a time!"  She waved at the big double doors 

across the throne room.  "You saw those ponies here tonight, 

each one private and quiet and just wanting to see you and be 

your friend!  And that's how we love you!  Like a fire on a 

cold night or a breeze on a warm evening!"

     Princess Luna still hadn't moved, wasn't even breathing 

as far as Dash could tell.  Then: " love me?" a tiny 

voice asked from her lips.

     "Of course!" came Twilight's shout, Fluttershy following 

with a breathy, "Oh, yes, princess, we do!" and Rarity adding, 

"The three young fillies I'll be presenting to you tomorrow 

night, your Highness, are positively enraptured at the thought 

of meeting you!"

     "And the Night Guard," Rainbow Dash put in.  "Soon as I 

told 'em they were back in service to the throne, it was like 

they turned into brand new ponies."

     "I--"  Princess Luna's eyes shone like stars in the 

midnight of her face.  "I don't know...don't know what to--"

     A soft rustling snore, and Dash looked over to see 

Applejack had fallen asleep, her chin tucked between her front 

hoofs.  Another little rasp of breath, and the princess began 

laughing softly.  "This double duty does take a bit out of a 

one, doesn't it?"  She touched her horn to Pinkie Pie's 

ribbon, tangled in her mane.  "But I thank you all so much."

     Pinkie gave a happy little squeak, her eyes curling into 

crescents, and Twilight bowed her head.  "It's an honor and a 

privilege, your Highness."

     "Still..."  Princess Luna looked at the torches, and they 

began going out.  "We have schedules we must keep.  An hour's 

nap for me while the rest of you should follow our Minister of 

Honesty's example and turn in till the dawn procession."

     A laugh from Rarity.  "Your Highness, I doubt all the 

warm milk in Equestria could get me to sleep tonight!"

     Which was just what Dash had been hoping for.  "So you 

wouldn't mind, y'know, designing and putting together, like, 

forty or fifty new uniforms for the Night Guard?  Something 

like the Day Guard has but..."  She rubbed her chin.  "I 

dunno: darker and cooler, maybe?"

     The way Rarity was staring at her, Dash felt like she'd 

suddenly sprouted a horn.  "Just like that?"  Rarity's lower 

eyelid began twitching.  "Just design and assemble fifty 

uniforms?  That's all you're asking?"

     "Well,--" Dash began, but the princess interrupted:

     "If you can design the uniforms, Minister Rarity, I've 

heard Sister say that all Canterlot's clothiers are most 

amenable to any work we can send their way."

     Rarity's eyes widened.  "Even...even Lace Brocade?"

     The princess shrugged.  "I'm not familiar with most of 

the fashion houses, but if this Lace Brocade is in Canterlot, 

I'm sure we could work something out."

     "That...that...that--"  Rarity looked almost frozen to 

Dash, a snowpony shaped like her friend.  "One of my designs," 

she whispered.  "At the House of Brocade..."  She snapped to 

life so suddenly, Dash almost jumped backwards.  "I'm seeing 

black and silver where the Day Guards have white and gold, the 

shape very similar, of course, but...a red plume atop their 

helmets!"  She leaped to her hoofs.  "You'll excuse me, your 

Highness!"  Throwing off her blanket, she galloped across the 

throne room and disappeared down the side corridor.

     Twilight laughed quietly.  "No one works like Rarity.  

Once she gets started, I mean."

     Another snore drew Dash's attention to Pinkie, tucked up 

fast asleep beside Princess Luna.  Dash smiled and nodded to 

Twilight.  "Fluttershy and me can prob'bly carry Applejack if 

you can float Pinkie."

     Fluttershy giggled, and Twilight nodded.  They all stood, 

bowed to the princess, but when Dash straightened back up, she 

was right there in front of her: Princess Luna, just that much 

taller than Dash so she had to look up to meet those deep, 

dark eyes.  Then the princess was bending forward, touching 

her horn to the ribbon Dash had almost forgotten she had tied 

in her mane, the rush of it cool, sweet, and refreshing as 

skating over a flat evening cloud top on her way home after a 

hard day weather wrangling.  "When will my troops be ready for 

review, Minister Dash?"

     It took Dash a minute to find her voice.  "I was thinking 

we could go down after your first morning session.  If the 

uniforms're done, you can be there when we pass 'em out."

     The princess nodded.  "Until dawn, then," she murmured, 

and springing into the air, she vanished into the darkness as 

the last torch sputtered out.

     "Oh, my gosh..." Dash heard someone mutter, and she was a 

little surprised to recognize it as her own voice.  She shook 

her head and looked at her two non-sleeping friends.  "What's 

a dumb crash jockey like me doing in a place like this?"

     Twilight's horn glowed, tiny lights swarming around 

Pinkie, lifting her from the cushion.  "I was wondering the 

same thing about a certain egghead," she said with a grin.

     Another giggle from Fluttershy.  "I'm just surprised I 

haven't been fainting more often than I have."

     "Well," Pinkie said groggily, "like my Uncle Egmont used 

to say,..."  But all that come out of her then was a snore.


     "C'mon, AJ!"

     Applejack jerked awake, couldn't think for a minute where 

she was or what time it might be or why Rainbow Dash was 

standing sideways above her saying, "We all got places to be 

after we take our big walk, so let's move it!"

     Rolling out of bed, stretching, shaking her head, the 

events of the previous day slowly trickling back into 

Applejack's memory, she blew out a breath.  "I feels like 

forty miles of bad road..."

     Dash chuckled behind her.  "Y'know, I wasn't gonna 

mention it, but--"

     She kicked out a hind hoof just hard enough to tap Dash 

nice and solid in the chest.  "Reckon I look better'n you're 

gonna in about half a minute."

     "Oh, yeah?"  A whoosh, the blowback from Dash's wings 

scattering the loose hairs from Applejack's pony tail into her 

face.  "'Cause half a minute's about all you've got!"

     "What??"  That brought her fully awake, sent her spinning 

around, Dash smirking in her fancy blue duds.  "Horse apples!  

Why didn't ya wake me 'fore now??  How'm I s'pposed to--??"

     Dash rolled her eyes.  "OK, maybe it's half an hour."

     A rattling sound from the open doorway, and Pinkie pushed 

in a cart full of pastry.  "Most important meal of the day!" 

she crowed.  "Especially when it's stuffed with brown sugar 

and covered in frosting!"  She nudged a plate with her nose.  

"I saved you some apple fritters!"

     Applejack's stomach growled.  "Well, now, that's right 

neighborly of you, Pinkie."  The fritters were perfectly 

baked, too, the second one even better than the first since 

she slowed down enough to taste it.  Stepping to the wash 

stand, she undid the ribbons at the end of her pony tail with 

her teeth, reared up, grabbed the pitcher, and laying her head 

in the basin, dumped the water over herself, the cold 

absolutely bracing and just what she needed.

     "Oooo," she heard Pinkie say.  "Dashie, remind me to put 

milk in that pitcher tomorrow, 'K?"

     "Pinkie..."  Rainbow Dash sighed.  "It doesn't work as a 

prank if you tell her about it before you do it!"

     "Prank?"  Pinkie sounded confused.  "I was just thinking 

how much cereal you could put in a bowl that big!"

     Applejack dried her face with the towels waiting on the 

sideboard, then settled back with hoofs and teeth to start 

plaiting her mane.  "So what's the schedule, then?  Reckon I 

musta dozed off afore we got anything settled last night."

     "Easy peasy!" Pinkie said around the donut she was 

sucking down.  "Me and Dashie getta go visit the Night Guard 

and--  What was you said we were doing, Dashie?"

     Rainbow Dash gave a grin that positively sent chills up 

Applejack's spine.  "Putting 'em through their paces.  I 

figure I can take the fliers out for a little spin, and, well, 

we'll see if the ground troops can keep up with Pinkie."

     Flopping her pony tail onto the counter, Applejack 

tightened the ribbons at the end into place.  "Them poor 

fellers ain't gonna know what hit 'em."

     "It'll be great!"  Dash waved at the doorway.  "Then 

Rarity and Fluttershy'll be cruising the fashion spots or 

whatever: she got the Night Guards uniforms designed last 

night, and some pony she's all excited about is gonna actually 

build 'em while she and Fluttershy let all the fancy ponies in 

Canterlot know about Princess Luna's ball tonight."

     Pinkie made a noise like air squeezing out of a balloon.  

"That!  Will be!  Epic!"  She spun in place on one rear hoof, 

her pink dress flaring out around her.  "Those gentleponies 

then abed will think themselves accursed they were not there!"

     "And while that's going on," Rainbow Dash went on, "you 

and Twilight're meeting Spike at Twilight's parents' house to, 

y'know, figure out who's trying to kill us and ev'rything."

     "Naw."  Applejack slipped her head through her Element of 

Harmony neck piece and put on her hat.  "It's Princess Luna 

they're after, not us."

     Stillness froze the room, made Applejack turn to see if 

her friends were still there.  They were, Dash with her 

rainbow mane sticking out even spikier than usual and Pinkie 

with her mouth and eyes wide.  "Of course!" Pinkie muttered.

     "What??" Dash shouted, leaping into a hover.  "Somepony's 

trying to kill the princess??"

     More cries of "What??" from the hall, and the others came 

rushing in, Twilight in front, Rarity and Fluttershy right at 

her hoofs.  "Kill the princess??" Twilight shouted.

     "Whoa, whoa, whoa!"  Applejack reared back, flailed her 

hoofs for attention.  "I didn't say that, and that ain't 

what's happenin' here at all!"

     "Yeah!"  Pinkie gave a glare all around.  "They don't 

wanna kill her!  They just wanna drive her away again!"

     Twilight's horn was sparking.  "How--??  What--??  You 

can't--!  Why--??"

     "All right, now!"  Applejack pitched her voice the way 

she would talking to nervous cattle.  "Let's ev'rypony all 

just settle down and listen for a minute!"

     Every eye in the room focused on her.  "I been askin' 

myself over and over why anypony's even doin' all this, and 

all I can figure is: they wanna get Princess Luna so riled up, 

she busts out all Nightmare Moon like she did a thousand years 

ago, and us or Princess Celestia hasta send her to the moon 

again."  Applejack didn't much like this explanation, but it  

best fit the facts.  "It's why I'm so darn sure it's either 

Lord Daybreak or Lady Stargazer behind it.  They's the ponies 

got the most invested in seein' things go back to the way they 

was, I reckon, and--"

     "Yes," came a shadow of a voice, and Applejack started 

back to see Princess Luna standing in the doorway, her mouth 

tight, her eyes narrow.  "It makes sense."

     Swallowing, Applejack bowed to the floor, the princess's 

mane whipping like a flag in a windstorm.  "But as you said 

last night," she continued, stepping into the room, "we 

haven't much in the way of evidence."  She stopped beside 

Pinkie's cart and sniffed.  "Oh, these smell heavenly!"  One 

of the pastries rose into the air, and Princess Luna nibbled 

at it.  "My compliments, Minister Pie.  But your thoughts, 

Minister Applejack, on how we can prove any of this?"

     "Well, ma'am..."  Again, Applejack had thought and 

thought, but none of the options she'd come up with much 

appealed to her.  "The party tonight'll be their next obvious 

target.  I'd say our best bet'd be to have the Night Guard out 

in full force, have all of us with our ears pricked, and catch 

'em in the act."  She shrugged, looked up at the princess.  

"It ain't what I'd call the best plan, but it's kinda the 

easiest since we don't gotta arrest anypony till they actually 

do somethin'."

     Princess Luna was nodding.  "Very well.  Gather 

intelligence today however you can, and I'll ask you all to 

meet in my antechamber at 3 o'clock this afternoon so we may 

form a final approach to this evening's festivities."

     "Ooooo!"  Pinkie slung her pack around, started rooting 

through it.  "Festivities!  I gotta write that word down!"

     A smile from the princess, and a little of the tightness 

eased in Applejack's shoulders.  As long as Princess Luna kept 

smiling, things couldn't be too bad.  "Minister Rarity?" the 

princess asked.  "What word on the Night Guard's uniforms?"

     Rarity looked perfect, of course, her dress this morning 

dark blue, not nearly as fancy as the one she'd had yesterday, 

as close to a business suit, Applejack figured, as a pony like 

Rarity was likely to get, though if Applejack looked close, 

the little twitch around her edges told the story of her late 

night.  "The courier I sent with the designs to awaken Lace 

Brocade an hour ago returned with an estimate of mid-morning."

     Princess Luna nodded.  "Let's plan on a presentation to 

the Guard before lunch, then."  She turned to Rainbow.  "Will 

that fit in with your plans, Minister?"

     Dash shrugged.  "I can make it fit."

     "Then, ministers?"  The princess raised her head, her 

mane definitely flowing more like Princess Celestia's again.  

"If you'll attend me, I shall raise the sun, and we will get 

this rather full day started."


     Despite what she'd said, Applejack was still a mite 

concerned that whoever was behind all this would get antsy and 

try something at the morning end of things.  But since they'd 

blown their attack on Rarity and Fluttershy and Rarity's new 

beau last night, odds were they'd be doing some serious 

regrouping this morning.

     That new beau was waiting in the courtyard between the 

Night Palace and the Day Palace, Applejack noticed, when they 

came marching out just before dawn, a bigger crowd watching 

than she'd been expecting.  A good looking fella: not as beefy 

as Applejack liked 'em, but, well, if he was an egghead the 

way Twilight said, he likely didn't get much exercise.  And he 

started the chant, too--"Luna!  Equestria!  Luna!  

Equestria!"--the ponies around him, most of 'em with red 

ribbons tied somewhere in their manes, joining in.

     Applejack had to smile when the princess nearly missed a 

step, caught herself, bowed, and continued to the archway 

leading into the Day Palace.  The ponies of the Day Ministry 

stood at their desks in silence, their heads bowed to the 

princess, but Applejack couldn't stop a quick glance upwards 

at the empty stretch of ceiling where the beam had been.  As 

near as she could tell from poking around up there yesterday, 

it had been ornamental instead of structural, so she wasn't 

worried about the whole roof collapsing.  But still, it made 

the hairs prickle up along the back of her neck....

     Minister Daybreak stood at the foot of the Day Throne, 

and Applejack gave him a squint-eyed look.  He still struck 

her all brazen and blustery, but she couldn't decide which of 

those he had more of: just bluster to complain about Princess 

Luna's return changing everything, or enough brass to try 

getting her out of the way again.

     He was bowing to her at least; she bowed in return, faced 

the big stained-glass windows to the east, and her horn lit up 

almost too bright to look at.  "The sun rises," she announced 

in that echoing voice, and light flooded in, Applejack's not 

the only gasp in the throne room, a smattering of applause 

from the ministry workers.

     She stole a quick glance at Lord Daybreak, saw him 

frowning, but he cleared his throat and bowed again as 

Princess Luna ascended the Day Throne.  He gestured to the 

guard at the side door, and that pony led in the first 

petitioner of the morning.  The Day Ministry swung into work 

around her, and Applejack blew out a breath.  Now, if Dash 

hadn't been joshing around earlier, she was supposed to go 

with Twilight to talk to her parents, so--

     "Oh, Lord Daybreak!"  Rarity's voice, Applejack looking 

over to see her friend smiling at the older unicorn.  "Might I 

ask a favor?"  She fluttered her eyelashes, and Applejack 

grinned again: nopony didn't melt a little under that 

treatment, she knew from experience.

     Sure enough, Lord Daybreak puffed out his chest and 

smiled.  "Of course, Miss Rarity!  How may the Day Minister be 

of assistance?"

     "I was wondering, sir..."  Rarity's horn glowed, and from 

the folds of her gown floated a ball of red ribbons.  "Might I 

distribute these to the ministry workers here today?  We've 

been giving them out around town since yesterday, and--"

     "Ribbons?"  Lord Daybreak's smile edged downward.  "Not 

exactly part of the dress code, is it?"

     Rarity blinked at him, her own smile fading a bit.  

"Dress code, sir?"

     "Strict policy, Miss Rarity."

     "Oh, but, surely, sir, considering the current 

circumstances, you can--"

     "No, madame."  He puffed out a breath and shook his head.  

"I've no say in what these ponies wear after they leave this 

building, of course, but while they're here, I shall have this 

be a place of business."  He bowed stiffly.  "Now, if you'll 

excuse me."  Turning, he started toward the desks along the 

far wall of the throne room.

     Rarity looked like she'd been hit in the leg with a 

hammer, her face bunching up like she was maybe gonna start 

yelling about it; Applejack sidled over and murmured, "Let it 

go, girl.  If'n he's the one, we'll get him tonight."

     For another few seconds, Applejack didn't think she'd 

gotten through, but then Rarity seemed to deflate a little, 

the pink tinge around her ears fading.  "Yes," she said, an 

edge in her voice that Applejack knew all too well from the 

times they'd tussled in the past.  "I shall look forward to 

that moment."  She stepped away, then, suddenly nothing but 

sweetness.  "Fluttershy, darling!" she called.  "Shall we be 

on our way?"


     Twilight seemed about as nervous as Applejack had ever 

seen her, her ears flicking up and down as the two of them 

made their way through the bustling streets of Canterlot.  And 

as much as she didn't want to pry, well, it always paid to be 

prepared, she'd always found.  Keeping her voice as light as 

she could, she asked, "So, Twilight!  Been a while since you 

seen your folks, ain't it?"

     Twilight tried to shrug, but her shoulders were too tight 

for it to look anything but painful.  "A year and a half, 

maybe.  We write back and forth, though."

     No bad blood between them, then: Applejack nodded.  

"Whoa.  I plain don't reckon I could do it, going so long 

without seeing my kin."

     "Well, it's always been just the three of us, no aunts or 

uncles or cousins or like that."  Twilight gestured to the 

next cross street.  "We turn left up here."

     Isolated, then, wealthy and educated and--  "You said you 

kinda took 'em by surprise, too, didn't you?"

     Twilight smiled, more of the unicorn Applejack knew 

in her face than before.  "Thirty years they'd been married 

when I came along, and since I moved to the University right 

after I got my cutie mark, we--"  That troubled look came over 

her again.  "We're not exactly the Apple family, AJ."

     Applejack blinked.  That's what had Twilight so worried!  

"Sugar cube,..."  She butted her shoulder gently against her 

friend's.  "Ain't only one way to be a happy family, y'know.  

Long as your folks don't call me a country bumpkin right to my 

face, I reckon I'm gonna like 'em just fine."

     Judging by Twilight's broad grin, it was right thing to 


     They turned left, then, the Palaces visible between the 

spiraling towers sprouting from all the whitewashed houses in 

this neighborhood.  Applejack couldn't stop a grin.  Typical 

unicorn way of building: everything close together, all pretty 

much the same size, shape, and color, and each one with at 

least one tower...

     Marble steps led from the street up to every door, and 

Twilight turned at the third house along, tapped up the 

stairs, reached for the door just as it pulled open to reveal 

Spike, the little dragon looking relieved.  "Twilight!" he 

cried out.  "You're here!  Great!  'Cause Lady Stargazer's 

here, too, and...and we were just talking about you!"

     Applejack felt her hackles rise, but she smoothed them 

down quick enough, put on a smile, and said over the silence 

of Twilight's panicked stare, "Well, now!  What a coinkydink!  

Me an' Twilight was just talkin' about Lady Stargazer!"  

Couldn't hurt to put a little shake into one of their main 

suspects, after all...

     Spike stepped to the side, pulled the door open the whole 

way.  "C'mon in, guys!  We've got tea all set up!"

     Dark wood lined the entryway, their hoofs clattering a 

bit as they followed Spike inside.  Not a lot in the way of 

decoration, one small table in the hallway holding a vase with 

a few sprigs of pussywillow arranged haphazardly in it, and 

while the whisper of voices came from the first doorway on the 

right, Twilight didn't rush forward, calmly following Spike.  

All mighty reserved, and Applejack wondered if a little of her 

Manehattan accent might be useful here.

     But no.  Playing up the whole 'country bumpkin' thing 

with Lady Stargazer in the room could be useful.  City folks 

always figured that meant 'stupid,' after all...

     Stepping after Twilight, Applejack had to smile again at 

the shelves and shelves of books along all four walls of the 

room they were walking into, the smell of old paper 

everywhere.  Windows among the bookcases let in plenty of 

light, and the furniture--low tables and generously-cushioned 

sofas--made the place look perfect for lounging around and 

reading, something Applejack got to do all too rarely.

     Off to one side under the largest of the windows sat 

three ponies, Phillipa Stargazer the one Applejack recognized, 

though the other two were so obviously related to Twilight, 

Applejack reckoned she would've known them anywhere.  Both 

unicorns, of course, and while they weren't as old as Granny 

Smith--not that anypony in Equestria was likely near as old as 

Granny Smith--they had more silver hairs among their manes and 

tails than Lady Stargazer.  

     "Mom!  Dad!"  Apparently unable to hold herself back any 

longer, Twilight skipped across the sitting room floor to the 


     "Kiddo!"  Her father stood, his cutie mark a dark blue 

crescent moon and single star against his silver-blue flank.  

"What's all this I hear about you at the Palace?"

     Twilight rolled her eyes, tucked her head to her mother's 

neck, her mother reaching up to stroke Twilight's face.  "Oh, 

you know me, Dad: trouble's my middle name."  She looked back 

at Applejack.  "Mom?  Dad?  This is my friend Applejack, owner 

and operator of Sweet Apple Acres outside Ponyville.  

Applejack, this is my father Nocturne and my mother Tercey."

     Applejack came up and bowed to them.  "Right nice to meet 

you folks."  She aimed a bow at Lady Stargazer, then.  "And 

nice to see you again, Lady--"  She pretended to catch 

herself.  "I mean, Phillipa, weren't it?"

     "Quite right, minister."  The blackish-green unicorn's 

horn sparked, her teacup rising to her lips.  "Spike was just 

telling us some of your amusing adventures in Ponyville."  A 

shudder, and she sipped her cup.  "I can't imagine living so 

close to the Everfree Forest!  What dangers you must face on a 

daily basis!"

     The same frustration she'd felt earlier when talking to 

Lady Stargazer nibbled at Applejack.  Unlike Lord Daybreak, 

everything the lady said was friendly enough, but the scent 

behind her words made Applejack want to sneeze.  "Well, now, 

I'm sure you've got dangers a-plenty hereabouts, ma'am."  She 

watched Lady Stargazer, hoped she might give something away to 

show she knew about the attack last night, but all the other 

pony did was set her teacup back down.

     "Dangers?" Twilight's mother asked.  "In Canterlot?"  She 

whinnied a little laugh and nodded at Lady Stargazer.  "She's 

starting to sound like you now, Phillipa!"

     Lady Stargazer flinched ever so slightly, and Applejack 

somehow kept her ears from perking.  "You don't say!"  She 

gave Lady Stargazer the most innocent expression she could 

round up.  "Feelin' nervous lately, Phillipa?"

     Her chuckle wasn't close to real, Applejack could tell.  

"Oh, well, now that I'm retired, I've little enough to do each 

day but chatter away with my equally retired friends."  She 

smirked more than smiled.  "Old ponies' tales: nothing more."

     Applejack decided to pounce on that.  "Y'mean like the 

Mare in the Moon?  That sorta thing?"

     The former Night Minister went very still, but Twilight's 

father gave a snort.  "Oh, don't get her started, Minister 

Applejack!  And as much as I agree that Princess Luna made a 

mistake disbanding the Night Ministry, it's long overdue, her 

stepping forward the way she is this week!"  He patted a hoof 

between Twilight's ears.  "Who would've thought, kiddo, that 

you'd be helping somepony get out more into public!  Just goes 

to show anything can happen!"

     "Oh!"  Twilight had settled onto one of the cushion, but 

now she started back.  "That reminds me!"  Her horn glowed, 

and several red ribbons popped into the air above the tea set.  

"We're having a ball tonight at the Night Palace, and I was 

hoping you'd be able to come!"

     "A ball?"  Tercey's voice wavered a bit.  "At the Night 

Palace?"  She looked past Twilight to her husband.  "Must be 

nearly fifty years ago now, wouldn't you say, Turney?"

     "Very nearly."  Nocturne smiled, his horn glowing less 

brightly than Twilight's, a wave of light reaching for two of 

the ribbons, pushing one toward Tercey, pulling the other to 

himself.  "Your mother and I first met at a Night Palace ball, 


     Twilight's eyes were actually sparkling.  "Then you'll 

come?  Both of you?"

     Her father's magic was pleating the ribbons among his 

mane and his wife's.  "We wouldn't miss it," he said.

     Smelling an opportunity, Applejack reached a hoof for one 

of the other ribbons floating above the table, scooped it up, 

offered it to Lady Stargazer.  "And you, Phillipa?  Reckon 

you'll be able to make it to the shin-dig tonight?"

     The frozen depths of the lady's gaze almost made 

Applejack shiver.  But Lady Stargazer smiled, sparks crackling 

from her own horn, the ribbon drifting up from Applejack's 

hoof.  "Why, certainly, Minister Applejack."  The ribbon 

touched her horn, wrapped itself loosely around the base.  "I 

wouldn't miss it for all of Equestria."

     And, yes, while she still didn't have one single lick of 

evidence, Applejack knew at that moment in her heart of hearts 

who was behind everything that had happened in Canterlot since 


Chapter 13

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