Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Half the Day is Night, Chapter 2

In the natural order of things, you oughtta read the Prologue and chapter 1 before this. But if you have, please proceed!

     "Whoa, whoa, whoa!"  Rainbow Dash hovered a couple inches 

off the sawdust covering the floor of Applejack's barn and made 

a 'time-out' sign with her front hoofs.  "The princess is gonna 

do what??"

      Twilight sighed.  "We have two princesses now, you know."

      "Indeed we do!"  Rarity gave a brisk nod.  "And I for one 

think it's a marvelous gesture on Princess Celestia's part!"  

She fluttered her eyelashes.  "Allowing her poor, repentant 

sister to take the throne of both day and night for the next 

week!  Sheer poetry!"

      "Huh?"  Pinkie Pie cocked her head.  "I didn't hear 

anything rhyme."

      "But Twilight!"  Fluttershy's breathy voice seemed even 

more hesitant than usual.  "Princess Luna was..."  She glanced 

around the otherwise empty barn and whispered, "She was 

Nightmare Moon!  She wanted to take over the world and make it 

dark all the time!  What if she...if she...?"  Her eyes got 

wider as her voice squeaked away to nothing.

      "Yes."  Twilight licked her lips.  "That's the second 

part."  After the princess had left the library at four o'clock 

this morning, Twilight had banished the idea of sleep and had 

started making a list of things she needed to get organized over 

the next two days for the trip to Canterlot.  And the first 

thing on that list was this meeting to tell her friends about 

Princess Luna's request.

     It took less time than she'd thought it would, and she 

wrapped the explanation up by nodding to Spike, the little 

dragon setting his quill pen to a piece of parchment.  "Now, I'm 

voting 'yes.'  But we'll need to be unanimous in deciding to do 

this, so if anypony has any objections--"

      "Yer darn tootin' I do!"  Applejack leapt to her hoofs.  "A 

week??  Away from the farm??  Ain't no way, no how!"

      But Twilight had spent the early morning hours making lists 

of counter-arguments, too.  "It's practically winter, Applejack.  

The first snow'll be falling any day now, right, Dash?"

      Rainbow Dash shrugged.  "I'd hafta check the schedule, but 

yeah, next week or the week after."  She grinned.  "'Cept I'm 

gonna be outta town in the capitol, aren't I?  Can't wait to 

tell the crew that!"

     Spike made a check mark on his paper.  "I'd call that our 

second 'yes' vote."

     "Snow don't matter!"  Applejack set her jaw.  "Winter's 

just as busy 'round here as any other time'a the year, y'know!  

I cain't go gallivantin' off to--"

      "Canterlot!"  Rarity's face absolutely glowed: Twilight had 

suspected she wouldn't have any trouble convincing her.  "And 

being on Princess Luna's staff means a week at the top of the 

social ladder!  Oh, the gowns we shall need!"

      "And the parties!"  Pinkie's eyes spun like pinwheels.  "I 

mean, I'm sure they're all, like, powdered wigs and minuets up 

there now, but once Pinkie Pie comes through, they'll know how a 

party's done!"

     Twilight heard Spike's quill scratch two more check marks.  

"Four 'yes' votes, then."

     But she was keeping her attention on Applejack.  "I know 

it's a lot to ask, AJ, but Princess Luna needs us!  She told me--"

Twilight had to swallow, remembering the princess's voice 

quivering slightly in the quiet of the library earlier not that 

many hours ago.  "She told me we're the only ponies she knows in 

the whole world now other than her sister.  We...we're the 

closest thing to friends she has."

     "Friends??"  Applejack waved her front hoofs.  "She tried 

her dangedest to kill us!  'Member that avalanche??  An' the 

manticore??  An' the--??"

     Dash snorted.  "We all do, AJ.  But that's why it hasta be 

us!  We're the ones kicked her tail, and she knows we can do it 


     "Dag nab it!"  Applejack's frown softened.  "But I reckon 

yer right.  I can always leave a list here fer Mac and the 

girls, but the Elements of Harmony, well, ain't no one else can 

do that."  Her frown hardened again.  "But one week, an' I'm 

outta there, y'all hear me?"

     Twilight sighed in relief, Spike making a fifth check mark 

on his paper.  "Thanks, Applejack."  She turned then to the spot 

where Fluttershy had been sitting and had to blink when she saw 

nothing there but an empty stretch of floor, the yellow pegasus 

nowhere in sight.  "Fluttershy?"

     Dash sprang into the air.  "Oh, great!  C'mon!  She 

can't've gotten too far!"  And she sped out the barn door, the 

others jumping up to follow on hoof.

     "The poor dear," Rarity said, tossing her mane beside 

Twilight, the two unicorns galloping out into the sheer blue of 

the frosty morning.  "Not exactly the 'bright lights, big city' 

sort, is she?"

     A pop behind them, and Twilight looked back to see Pinkie 

Pie trotting out, her jaw working a huge mass of bubble gum.  

"She's just mixed-up.  I mean, whoever heard of playing hide-n-

seek where the pony who's 'it' hides and the rest of us hafta go 

seeking?"  She blew another bubble and popped it.  "I really 

need to run through the rules with her again."

     Applejack pushed past the pink earth pony, her gaze aimed 

upward.  "Anythin', Dash?" she called.

     "Nope!"  Rainbow Dash swooped down.  "I'm gonna head over 

to her place and see if she's hiding under the bed."

     "Right."  Applejack looked at the other ground-bound 

ponies.  "Twilight, how 'bout you, me an' Spike stay looking 

'round the hills here?  Rarity, you an' Pinkie can try callin' 

for her down the road to town.  OK?"

     Twilight nodded, perfectly happy to let AJ organize this.  

Rarity and Pinkie turned for Sweet Apple Acres' front gate, and 

Twilight heard Pinkie saying, "Maybe if we both dressed up like 

bunnies..." before they went around the corner of the barn and 

passed from earshot.

     The sudden weight on her back told her Spike had climbed 

aboard.  "You think she's all right?" he asked.

     A sigh from Applejack.  "Girl's always been flighty as a 

new-born filly, but I know summa her hidey holes."  She gestured 

to the south.  "How 'bout you two head on down the orchard?  

This time'a year, if she's up a tree, she oughtta be perty easy 

to spot."

     Twilight looked at Spike, and his shrug earned another of 

Applejack's sighs.  "'Cause we's already run the leaves off 'em, 

'member?"  Shaking her head, she turned for the hills north of 

the farm.  "City folk..."

     Starting down the slope toward the autumn-bare trees, 

Twilight blushed a little that she'd forgotten that, but then it 

hadn't been nearly as exciting this year as last: without 

Applejack and Rainbow Dash distracting each other and the other 

runners, she'd only managed to come in 17th...

     Spike gave a little snort.  "Like we don't have enough to 

do already!  I mean, two days to get ready for a week in 

Canterlot?  Where are we even gonna stay?  Our old place at the 

university?  Or in the Night Palace?  'Cause if you're really on 

Princess Luna's staff, I should be setting things up with 

Stargazer and the rest of the Night Ministers, not wandering 

around an apple orchard looking for--"

     "You're right."  Twilight was painfully aware of all the 

things she had on her own list, too.  "You head back to the 

library, Spike, and I'll keep nosing around here for a while."

     "What?"  His tone made her swivel her head around, his face 

shocked.  "You want me to walk all the way to Ponyville?  On my 


     Twilight started to sigh, but a thought made her smile.  

"If you hurry, you can probably catch up with Rarity.  I'm sure 

she'd be happy to give you a ride into town."

     Spike's eyes widened; he hopped off her back and took off 

for the farm's front gate faster than Twilight had ever seen him 

move.  "See you around, Twilight!"

     She watched him for a moment, chuckled, turned with a shake 

of her head--and found herself staring directly into 

Fluttershy's emerald eyes, the yellow pegasus hovering right in 

front of her.  "I'm sorry, Twilight," she said, her words rushed 

and slurred, "but I can't go to Canterlot!  Can't!  There's all 

the winter blankets for my little woodland friends!  I've barely 

even started getting them out of storage let alone started 

giving them out!"


     "And who'll turn the heater on and off in the henhouse?  

I've tried and tried to explain to the roosters and hens how the 

controls work, but they never seem to get it!"


     "And snow doesn't bank itself, you know!  If I'm not there, 

it's likely to cover over my little friends' burrows!  And then 

where'll they be??  Buried in the snow!  Buried!"

     "I'll help you, Fluttershy!"  With an sigh, Twilight 

mentally threw her list into the wind.  "We've got today and 

tomorrow, and we can certainly get a good start on those 

blankets in that time.  We can ask Apple Bloom and the Cutie 

Mark Crusaders to look in on your chickens if it gets cold, and 

the snow, well, Dash said that might not start till the week 

after."  She caught Fluttershy's hoofs between her own, held 

them, looked into the pegasus's wide eyes.  "But we need you, 

Fluttershy.  Equestria needs you.  Without Kindness, the 

Elements of Harmony can't hold together, and without the 

Elements of Harmony, Princess Luna won't trust herself to do her 


     "But..."  Fluttershy swallowed so hard, Twilight could 

follow it down her neck.  "Canterlot!  And...and everything!"

     "We'll all be there together, Fluttershy."  Twilight kept 

hold of her friend's hoofs.  "Please?"

     For a long moment, Twilight could feel the pegasus 

trembling.  Then in a tiny voice, Fluttershy asked, "You'll 

really help me?  Get the blankets done before...before we 


     "Of course!"  And that made it unanimous.  Twilight smiled.  

"Rainbow Dash is at your place right now, so we can get her to 

help, too!"

From here, then, you can move on to Chapter 3 as the adventure continues.

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