Oh, and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and just about everything here is actually under copyright to Hasbro Inc.
Everypony in the crowd held their breath, and Belle thought even the clouds drifting over Sweet Apple Acres seemed to slow to watch Rainbow Dash and Gusty line the thirtieth apple crate up and set it gently on top of the others: Two stacks of fifteen crates towering into the blue sky from the platform in front of Applejack's barn. "This is it," Pinkie Pie whispered into the megaphone strapped around her neck. Not that she needed it: no one in Ponyville whispered as loud as Pinkie. "Thirty crates will be a new Equestrian record. Or, y'know, a record for those parts of Equestria that even have apple crate lifting contests." "You said it, Pinkie." The little purple dragon standing next to Pinkie held a microphone, and Belle had to smile. Looked like Pinkie had finally found someone who shared one of her weird hobbies. "I sure never saw anything like this in Canterlot, but I'll bet the palace guards'd love trying their backs at it." Canterlot? The palace? Belle gave the little dragon a closer look. She had heard something somewhere about visitors from the capitol coming to Ponyville, something to do with the Princess and the Summer Sun Celebration, but Belle hadn't really been paying much attention. Her training regimen came first, after all--she'd been focusing on her lats the morning of the Celebration, so she'd missed whatever that had all been about-- and she didn't have too many reasons to leave her gym except for her late night cool-down runs out to the mountains and back... "OK!" Dash called from above. "Ev'rything's all set and steady!" Belle snapped her attention back, saw Mac stepping into position. "Big Mackintosh won the coin toss, so he'll be going first," Pinkie was saying. "But look at those towers! I mean, each of those crates must weigh thirty pounds, and with thirty of them stacked up and the platform, too, why, that's, uhh, it's, uhh,...carry the two and add, uhh--" "It's a whole lotta apples," the dragon finished for her. As big as always, the red stallion stood in front of the platform, but, well, even as foals together in school, Mac had never been as big as her. And after she'd really started training, she'd filled out so much, no one had been surprised when little silver barbells had appeared along her chocolate brown flanks. That was when she'd officially added the extra syllable to the front of her name, too: with her barrel chest, bulging thighs, and biceps the size of the average pony's head, Barbelle had decided that, if she was going to be the biggest little pony in Ponyville, then she was going to be the biggest.
The episode then continues with Act 1 after you allow the usual title sequence to run through your mind. But you can pretend you're watching on YouTube if you like and skip the first commercial break. :)
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