Monday, May 30, 2011

Half the Day is Night, Chapter 11

Prologue ; Chapter 1 ; Chapter 2 ; Chapter 3 ; Chapter 4 ; Chapter 5

Chapter 6 ; Chapter 7 ; Chapter 8 ; Chapter 9 ; Chapter 10

     The whole of the valley spread out in the darkness before 

her, lights sparkling under the stars along what Rarity guessed 

was the river, and she found she could trace the route all the 

way back to Ponyville, a glowing cluster that didn't seem that 

far away, actually.

     If only she weren't about to plunge to her death, she found 

herself thinking, the length of wooden walkway that she, 

Fluttershy and Ory had ridden down the rapids of Canterlot's 

underground river sailing from the waterfall at its end and 

arcing delicately through the night sky before starting 

horribly, inevitably downward--

     If it weren't for that, this would be rather pretty.

     In front of her, Fluttershy suddenly leaped from the wooden 

planks, her traveling cloak flaring out above her spreading 

wings, and Rarity felt a surge of hope.  Of course!  She so 

seldom saw her friend flying, it had completely slipped her mind 

that Fluttershy was a pegasus!

     Not that she would be able to keep both Rarity and Ory from 

falling, of course...

     Fluttershy began spinning in place, whirling faster than 

any pegasus Rarity had seen other than Rainbow Dash, and before 

she could even wonder why, she gaped to see a cloud forming 

under Fluttershy, spray from the waterfall gathering into a 

substantial mass.  "Rarity!" Fluttershy shouted almost as loud 

as an actual shout.  "Ory!  Grab my hoofs!"  She sprawled on her 

stomach across the cloud, reached her front hoofs toward Rarity, 

her back hoofs toward Ory.

     Rarity's sprang from the planks falling away beneath her, 

saw Ory further down turning, flexing his legs, jumping toward 

them both.  Her front legs twined around Fluttershy's, her heart 

pounding so hard it made her ears twitch, but looking down, 

seeing the walkway dropping, seeing Ory stretching, sailing, 

slowing, his flailing hoofs not going to meet--

     "Ory!"  Rarity swung herself along the curve of 

Fluttershy's cloud, snapped her tail out, saw Ory's neck 

straightening, his mouth opening, his teeth chomping into the 

waves of purple hair.  Gritting her own teeth, she let herself 

swing back, Fluttershy crying out, and it was just enough, 

pulling him the last six inches that he needed to catch 

Fluttershy's hind legs, and--

     Panting, swaying, clamped onto Fluttershy like the most 

precious diamond she'd ever found, Rarity realized she wasn't 

falling, was hanging from Fluttershy's front legs, Ory hanging 

on behind, Fluttershy sweating, her eyes clenched, her body 

trembling and draped over a lumpy mess of a cloud, all their 

clothes dripping with water.

     She wanted to shout "We're alive!"  But of course, that 

could change at any moment...  "Ory!"  The stallion shifted his 

wide-eyed stare from the darkness below them to her.  "Your 

magic!  It doesn't have anything to do with signaling, by any 

chance, does it??"

     "I--"  His eyes went even wider, and he brightened.  Quite 

literally: his horn lit up, a bubble of what looked like pure 

sunshine expanding around him.  "I can make daylight and 

darkness!" he cried.  "If anypony's looking this way, they'll be 

able to--"

     "Rarity!" Fluttershy moaned.  "The heat!  I can't...this 

cloud, it's not--"  She whimpered and slid an inch downward, the 

cloud puffing to steam as the light hit it.

     Ory gasped, his horn flickering, the warm glow pulling back 

before it could vaporize any more of their life raft.  "We'll 

have to do something else!" he shouted.

     Rarity looked back at the Day Palace shining above and 

behind them, drifting further away with each moment, and tried 

to think, tried to come up with something that would make them 

stop moving or even get them moving in the--

     Moving!  Of course!

     "Hang on!" she yelled and activated her own horn, reached 

out with her gem-finding sense, hoped that Princess Celestia 

really did keep as large a collection of royal jewels as the 

magazines all said she did, and--

     And felt it, felt the huge stash of them grabbing hold of 

her, pulling her backwards, tugging Fluttershy, cloud, Ory, and 

all back toward Canterlot.

     A gasp from Ory.  " on Equestria are you--??"

     "What, this?"  Giddiness swept through Rarity, the breeze 

cool against her face as they picked up speed.  "Just a little 

ability of mine.  Quite handy now and then, I've found."

     The rocky cliffs below the Day Palace swept past in the 

light from Ory's horn, Rarity following the tug and lifting the 

whole group of them over a parapet to a balcony of some sort, a 

scenic viewpoint, she guessed, a flight of stairs leading up 

from the far end.  The gems were higher still, but she forcibly 

cut the power to her horn, dropped the four inches to the 

stonework of the balcony floor, said to Fluttershy, "Open your 

eyes, darling!  We're safe!"

     "Safe?"  Fluttershy's voice sounded smaller than ever, but 

she cracked an eyelid, let out a squeak and fell, the last bits 

of her cloud vanishing, Ory touching down with his hind legs, 

catching Fluttershy, and setting her to quiver on the floor of 

the stone circle, her eyes clenched again, little squeaks of 

"We're safe!  We're safe!  We're safe!" coming up from her.

     "That..."  Ory's horn was still glowing, but as she looked 

over, it sputtered out, darkness falling except around Ory's 

eyes, wide and fixed on hers.  "That was the most amazing thing 

that's ever happened to me."

     Trying to find another quip, Rarity found herself instead 

gazing into his deep, dark eyes, her heart still pounding, but 

with a very different sort of anxiety.  She stepped forward as 

he did the same, touched her nose to his, heard him draw in a 

breath, her lips opening to meet his--

     And Rarity's first kiss was exactly as perfect as she'd 

always known it would be.


     "The Night Guard?"  Des cleared his throat.  


     Rainbow Dash couldn't help glaring at him.  "They're what?  

Complete and total losers?"

     He glared at her, and that made her feel a little more 

normal.  After the whole weird thing with Princess Luna moving 

from the Day Palace to the Night Palace, she'd set out kind of 

peeved for the Citadel and her dinner with the guard.  All those 

ponies in their shining white and gold armor in the Day Palace, 

and no one at all in the Night Palace??  She knew Captain 

Destrier was in charge of all that, so she'd flown for the 

turrets and spires of the Citadel, perched on the inside rim of 

the volcano just past the two palaces, with a few sharp 

questions to toss at him.

     On arriving, though, the captain meeting her at the gate, 

giving one of his big whistles, the gate rolling open to reveal 

rank after rank of soldiers, the band in the corner striking up 

a drill tune she remembered from flight school--

     And then she was reviewing the troops with the captain, the 

commanders of each battalion stepping forward, snapping out 

smart salutes, telling her how much they'd been looking forward 

to tonight--

     And then into the Citadel itself, the banners and the 

shining sabers and the ponies marching in, and while she'd hated 

every minute of the bowing and saluting when she'd been at 

school, she found she didn't mind it nearly as much when 

everypony in the place was saluting and bowing to her...

     Dinner was great, the unicorn cadets floating each course 

in and out with such precision, Dash made a joke about the cook 

having to be an air traffic controller, a joke the ponies at the 

head table with her and the captain actually laughed at, all of 

them real fliers who knew how to stretch their wings and all of 

them wanting to talk about it with the only pony alive to ever 

pull a Sonic Rainboom--

     "Two Sonic Rainbooms," she reminded them with a wink.

     Then after dinner, meeting more lieutenants and commanders 

who kept wanting to talk to her and kept wanting her to talk 

about herself over a dessert Pinkie would've gone crazy for, and 

finally strolling under the stars through the neat gardens 

overlooking the rest of the city with the captain--"Call me 

Des," he'd said, grinning in a way that had made Dash glad it 

was too dark for him to see her blush--

     It all almost made her forget how mad she was.  Almost.

     "The problem with the Night Guard," Des said when she 

finally asked, "is that technically, it no longer exists."

     "What??"  Dash looked from him to the lights of the city 

glowing all up and down the walls of the crater and out along 

the flatland between.  "You mean the sun goes down around here, 

and the guard just goes home?  What if there's an emergency or a 

fire or something?"

     Des puffed a breath.  "Exactly the point Princess Celestia 

and I raised with Princess Luna when she informed us that she 

hadn't had soldiers attending her when she'd last done her job 

and didn't see why she needed soldiers now.  Princess Celestia 

pointed out how a city like Canterlot is quite a different place 

from their former palace deep in the Everfree Forest, but 

Princess Luna was adamant.  And a direct command, well, I had no 


     Still mad--just not quite sure anymore who she was mad at--

Dash shook her head.  "That's crazy!  The princess can't just 

disband the Night Guard after a thousand years!"

     "Well..."  He sounded so uncomfortable, Dash turned to look 

at him again.  "They aren't exactly disbanded, either."

     She tapped a hoof against the little stone path.  "Unless 

they're all, like, ghosts or something--"

     "They're not--"  Des sighed.  "You see, in the past, we had 

a rotation, every member of the guard spending one week on night 

duty, then three weeks on days so we could spread it out among 

the whole cohort."  He stopped, seemed to be searching for the 

right words.  "When Princess Luna declared that she didn't 

require the services of the Night Guard, however, against my 

advice, Princess Celestia took the troops stationed at the time 

in the night barracks and renamed them.  They're now the 

Canterlot Night Police."

     "Night Police?"  Dash blinked at him.  "What does that 


     "It means that for the past six months, a whole company of 

my former soldiers have been sitting over there in the night 

barracks."  He gestured with his muzzle to a low building 

snuggled up against the back wall of the Night Palace, lights 

showing through its small square windows.  "The ranking officer 

happened to be Aurelius Blueblood, the most useless waste of 

horseflesh I've ever come across, so while I've seen a few of 

the soldiers patrolling the city at night, I think they're just 

doing it because they're bored."  His face hardened.  "For all 

the suggestions I've sent over, Blueblood doesn't seem to care!  

They've no mission and no mandate, and I've no authority over 

them anymore!"

     "Huh."  Dash couldn't stop a grin.  "'Cause, y'know, I'm 

thinking I just might..."


     Flying around the barracks, Dash saw three doorways: a big 

one at the far end of the building and two smaller ones on the 

long side that faced away from the Palace.  Picking the door 

nearest the back, she landed and bucked it in with a move she 

knew Applejack would've been proud of, the frame shattering, the 

panels crashing to the floor; she spun, zipped inside, and 

shouted, "Ten-hut!" at the top of her voice.

     The lights in the barracks were fairly low, but Dash 

couldn't see anyone flying at her, ready to fight.  Some of the 

beds along the far wall seemed to be occupied, though, and a big 

white unicorn stallion, lounging on a sofa beside the fireplace 

to her right, his uniform jacket wrinkled and unbuttoned, looked 

up from the comic book he was reading.  "I beg your pardon?" he 

asked in a voice so snooty, Dash was surprised it didn't come 

out of his nose.

     Movement now on her left, fifteen or twenty ponies, their 

uniforms in various stages of disrepair, flying or galloping the 

whole length of the barracks to snap into respectable ranks for 

a surprise inspection.  The clatter of their hoofs got a few 

heads popping up in the beds now, too, but the big guy, still 

lying on his couch blinking, well, Dash was pretty sure she'd 

found Des's waste of horseflesh.

     "One more time!" she shouted, remembering Sergeant 

Sprinkles, the one pony at flight school that she and Gilda had 

never even considered pranking.  "For the foals in the slow 

class, I said, 'Ten-hut!'"

     There were maybe forty ponies now in the ranks, their faces 

a mix of fear and confusion, and the big guy lumbered to his 

immaculate hoofs, the white of his coat so combed and polished, 

Dash felt like squinting.  "Now see here!" he said.  "If you 

seriously expect that I'll--"

     She swooped past him so fast that when she landed on the 

other side of his couch, he was still staring at the door she'd 

kicked in.  Dash gave a little whistle, then, grinned when he 

spun, and waited till his widening eyes told her he'd noticed 

his captain's bars now clenched between her teeth.

     As delicately as she could, she tucked the metal clasp into 

the big side pocket Rarity had stitched into her jacket.  "You 

were saying something, commander?"

     "I am Captain Blueblood!"  Sparks shot from the tip of his 

horn.  "How dare you come into my--!"

     This time, she spun rainbows around him three times, his 

mane when he staggered to a stop sticking out in all directions.  

She waited for him to recover again, waited for the shock on his 

face to become horror when he saw that she had his commander's 

bars this time.  "Lieutenant Blueblood, y'mean?" she asked, 

tucking the insignia into her pocket.

     "Sir!" someone hissed behind her.  "That's Rainbow Dash!  

She's one of the--!"

     "Silence in ranks!"  Dash whirled, glared at the ponies, 

but she couldn't tell which of the stone-frozen faces had 

spoken.  "Maybe it's just me," she said, "but anypony who wants 

to be a captain in Canterlot prob'bly oughtta know who's who and 

what's what already."  She swung her head around to look at 

Blueblood.  "I'm not gonna ask if you agree, lieutenant.  I'm 

just gonna remind you--for what I really hope is the last time--

that I said 'ten-hut.'"

     The former captain scrambled into the ranks, and Dash gave 

him a point of smarts.  "Now!"  She tapped the wooden floor.  

"I'll need the company commanders front and center."

     A pudgy pegasus, her uniform a little tight, her cutie mark 

a shapeless yellow splotch on her slightly paler coat, stamped 

smartly, sprang forward, and settled in front of Dash.

     No one else moved, and that struck Dash as odd.  "It's been 

a while since I was in ranks," she said, "but shouldn't a 

company this size have two commanders?"

     The commander licked her lips.  "Commander Rigel has patrol 

duty tonight, ma'am," she said, her voice maybe the one Dash had 

heard calling to Blueblood earlier.

     "And you are?"

     "Cream Custard, ma'am!"

     "Well, then."  Dash plucked the captain's bars from her 

pocket and clipped them onto the other pegasus's uniform.  "It's 

your lucky night, Captain Custard."

     Custard's eyes were so wide, Dash thought they might just 

fall out, but Dash couldn't stop now.  "I'll need you to pick a 

lieutenant, captain."

     Without hesitation, Custard said, "Lieutenant Foxfire!"

     A sparkle among the ranks, and a thin blue unicorn stallion 

appeared beside Custard.  Dash pulled out the commander's pin 

she'd taken from Blueblood and chomped it into place on the 

unicorn's jacket.  "Congratulations, Commander Foxfire."

     The new captain was still quivering.  "Permission to speak 

freely, ma'am?"

     "Not just yet, captain."  Dash waved a hoof at the ranks.  

"Actually, fall back in, if you wouldn't mind."

     Custard and Foxfire both stamped, spun, and moved into 

place at the end of the front line.  "'Cause maybe you're about 

to say," Dash went on, pacing up and down along the ranks, "that 

you're not the best choice to be captain.  Maybe you're gonna 

say I should pick this Commander Rigel, or maybe you're gonna 

say that I really shouldn't've kicked Lieutenant Blueblood off 

his cloud like I just did."  She stopped in front of Custard.  

"That sound like the sorta things you're likely to say, 


     "Yes, ma'am," Custard said, a bit of a waver behind her 


     Dash nodded.  "Lesson number one, then: not only is life 

not fair, a lotta the time, it's downright stupid.  Sometimes, 

you take the blame for stuff that's not your fault, and 

sometimes, you get a promotion you don't deserve."  She moved to 

the center of the group, tried to sound more confident than she 

felt.  "Take tonight, f'rinstance, when none of you showed up 

for the changing of the guard between the Day Palace and the 

Night Palace."

     "But--!" Blueblood started, but he pulled his snout closed 

quickly, earning another point from Dash.

     "Yeah, I know."  Dash shrugged.  "Princess Luna herself 

said you shouldn't show up, so you'd think that'd make it OK.  

The problem is, y'see..."  For the second time that day, Dash 

wished she had Twilight's brain for just a few minutes.  "You 

took an oath, right?  Not just to Princess Celestia--or even to 

Princess Luna, 'cause, I mean, who even knew about her till last 

year?"  She caught herself grinning, stopped, cleared her 

throat, tried to get her thoughts back on track.

     "The oath you took was to Equestria is the thing, an oath 

to serve all ponies wherever they need it and however they need 

it."  That was in the oath she remembered from flight school, at 

least.  "And guess what?  It turns out Princess Luna really has 

needed you all this time.  She just didn't know it, and your 

former captain, well, he didn't do anything that woulda made her 

see it.  So here we all are."

     Dash looked at them, pegasi and unicorns with a few earth 

ponies mixed in, and hoped she was right about this next part.  

"Now all you guys who didn't quit when Princess Luna disbanded 

the Night Guard, well, I gotta think there's a reason you didn't 

quit.  Yeah, maybe you're just in it for the money or there's 

pressure from your family or you didn't wanna resign your 

commission or whatever.  But more than any of that, it''s 

'cause you wanna do this.  You wanna be this.  You feel it right 

here."  She thumped her chest.  "You're soldiers, all of you.  

Soldiers of the Guard."

     A shuffling of hoofs, the ranks straightening a little.  

Dash raised her voice.  "So, yeah, for the last six months, 

they've called you the Night Police or whatever, and it's great, 

Captain Custard, that you and Commander Rigel have made up some 

patrols, have started trying to figure out what that maybe 

means.  But, well, since I'm Princess Luna's Minister of 

Loyalty--"  She touched her necklace, its jewels in the shape of 

her cutie mark, the thing she'd looked at every night before 

going to bed for the past year.  "I'm telling you right now.  

You're the Night Guard again.  And now I'm gonna tell you how 

that's gonna work."


     A couple hours later, tired but feeling pretty good, 

Rainbow Dash sailed through the Night Palace's archway and down 

the hall, Pinkie's torches now lined up along the walls.  

Landing just outside the throne rooms doors, she strolled in, 

strutting a bit: wait till she told the others about--

     "--sailing out into empty air!" Rarity was saying, she and 

Fluttershy wrapped in towels and lying on cushions beside the 

big pit with the bonfire Pinkie had started when they'd all 

first come in at the start of the night--however many hours ago 

that had been.  "I've never been so frightened before in my 

entire life!"

     Everypony else was sitting on cushions, too, their eyes 

wide and their expressions running from Twilight's absolute 

shock to Pinkie's quivering excitement to Applejack's pinch-

mouthed concern to Princess Luna's simmering anger.  

"Fortunately," Rarity went on, "Fluttershy put together a cloud 

for us, and I--"

     "What??"  Dash couldn't stop it from bursting out.  "A 

cloud??  Fluttershy??"

     All heads swung toward her, and Fluttershy leaped into the 

air.  "Oh, Rainbow Dash!"  Quicker than Dash had ever seen her 

friend move, Fluttershy zipped across the throne room and 

wrapped her in a huge hug.  "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

     The force of the greeting almost knocked Dash over.  "What 


     "Your cloud!"  Fluttershy let go, landed, started hopping 

up and down like Pinkie, her eyes curled into crescents.  "The 

one you made in Princess Luna's library earlier!  It got me 

thinking about how I could never do clouds back in school, and 

then when Rarity and Ory and me went falling off the cliff, 

there was all this water from the waterfall!  And I just--"

     "Cliff??  Waterfall??"  Dash looked back and forth between 

Fluttershy and the rest of her friends.  "Whatta you guys been 

doing tonight anyway??"

Chapter 12

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