Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Half the Day is Night, Chapter 4

Prologue ; Chapter 1 ; Chapter 2 ; Chapter 3

     "Where--?"  Twilight set her horn glowing, tried to look 

around, but the darkened space was so big, she couldn't see 

anything other than her friends standing in the puddle of light 

she was casting and craning their necks as well, the cart full 

of Rarity's luggage sitting half in shadow.  "Where are we?"

     A piece of the darkness moved, Princess Luna stepping into 

the light to smile down at her.  "Sister Celestia calls it the 

Night Palace."  She looked around, too, her smile becoming a 

frown.  "Nowhere near as nice as our old place, but I guess 

that's pretty much a ruin nowadays."  She sighed.  "I don't come 

here that often..."

     She took a wide-hoofed stance on the shiny marble floor, 

and dark energy burst from her, a wave that struck walls and 

ceiling after a few seconds and set spots glowing like stars, 

the room finally lighting up enough for Twilight Sparkle to see 

that they were indeed in the main hall of the Night Palace, a 

place she'd visited many times during her years in Canterlot, 

the indigo and purple carpeted steps leading up to the Night 

Throne just across the room from where they stood.  But every 

time she'd been here before--

     Twilight gestured at the emptiness where desks, tables, 

stalls and workstations had once stood.  "Where are the 

Stargazers?  The Night Guard?  Moondancer and Shady and...and 

all the rest of the Night Ministry?"

     Princess Luna gave a snort.  "It's taken me more than a 

year, but I've finally sent them all on their way.  I mean, I 

can understand that Sister Celestia needed those other ponies 

while I was gone; there's no way she could've run both day and 

night by herself!"  Wings unfurling, she rose slightly into the 

air and spread her front hoofs.  "I'm very grateful to the 

Stargazers, of course, for taking care of things the past 

thousand years, but, well, I never needed anypony's help to 

bring on the night before..."  She landed with four delicate 

clicks of her silver shoes, clicks that echoed through the 

emptiness of throne room.  "So now that I'm here, we can go back 

to how things used to be."

     So many questions crowded Twilight's head, she was still 

trying to pick one when Princess Luna gave the floor another 

click.  "But I'd best get the night wrapped-up or we won't have 

a clear field for sunrise.  It's at 6:46, so at 6:30, I'll meet 

you all here and we'll head across the courtyard to the Day 

Palace for Celestia's little ceremony."  She gestured to one of 

the hallways that led from the main hall.  "The last of the 

Stargazers left a week ago, I think, so take any rooms you like, 

and I'll see you all in an hour and eight minutes!"  Spreading 

her wings once more, she leaped upward, the darkness swallowing 

her like smoke

     Silence for a long moment, then Fluttershy's soft voice: "I 

always thought Canterlot would be...brighter...."

     "This isn't--"  Twilight made an effort to organize her 

thoughts.  "We'll see the city later, but right now--"  She 

turned to Spike, staring around the hall with his mouth open.  

"Spike, can you head over to Moondancer's?  See what she knows, 

and stop by my parents' place, too: they might--"

     "Parents?"  Applejack blinked at her.  "Y'know, I ain't 

never heard you mention your folks afore, Twilight."

     Twilight gave the cider-colored earth pony a sideways 

smile.  "They're both retired and absolutely determined not to 

travel: I was kind of a surprise to them late in life."  She 

gestured to the third pillar along the wall to the left of the 

main hall's big mahogany doors.  "My dad's desk was always right 

there, and Mom worked across the courtyard in the Day Ministry 

for more than fifty years."  Another little chill down her back.  

"There must've been 500 ponies living and working in this 

building, ponies whose families had done the same jobs for 


     "Yow."  Rainbow Dash was still looking around, too.  "And 

the princess gave 'em the boot?"  She leveled her gaze at 

Twilight.  "That couldn't've been popular."

     Twilight could only nod, and Spike puffed smoke from his 

nostrils.  "I'll be back quick as I can," he said, heading for 

the door.  

     "And bring some streamers with you!"  Pinkie's voice came 

loud as a balloon pop in the silence.  "I mean, this place is 

gloomy even for a Night Palace!"  She shrugged her panniers 

around.  "I need to get unpacked, then it's tiki torches in the 

corners, mirror balls on the ceiling, a little bandstand over by 


     "OK!"  Twilight shook the rest of her indecision away.  

"Let's put all that on page two of our lists, then turn back to 

page one.  First we'll pick our rooms and get this ceremony out 

of the way, then we can see what's going on here."  She turned 

to Rarity, slipping into the harness of her luggage cart.  "You 

need any help with all that, Rarity?"

     "No, no."  She flashed a dazzling smile.  "Just let me take 

the first room down the hallway, would you?"  She strained 

against the harness, and the cart began creaking forward.  "Then 

once everypony's settled, come see me.  I've got the outfits for 

our first day all picked out."

     "Outfits??" cried Rainbow Dash and Applejack.

     Rarity rolled her eyes.  "They're very minimal, very 

tasteful, and will merely set off our Elements of Harmony 

neckpieces, which I would also suggest we wear."

     Rainbow Dash had leaped into the air, her wings beating 

furiously.  "If you think I'm gonna get all frou-froued up--!"

     "Please, girls."  Twilight slung her own pack over her back 

and stood.  "Our Elements of Harmony, yes, considering they're 

why we're here.  But can we please take a look at what Rarity's 

got for us before we jump to any conclusions?"

     No one said anything, but Dash did settle to the floor 

again.  "OK."  Twilight nodded toward the hallway.  "We'll meet 

in Rarity's room in, say, half an hour?"

     "Got it!"  Dash zipped off so fast, the air of the throne 

room swirled around Twilight, and Pinkie wasn't far behind, 

giggling and bouncing out of sight.

     "Ummm..."  Fluttershy glanced through her hair at 

Applejack.  "I don't want to be a bother, but...could I follow 

along with you, Applejack?  Just...just for a little while?"

     "Sure thing, sugar cube."  Applejack gave the pegasus a big 

smile.  "We'll get us a couple'a sweet suites, how 'bout?"

     Fluttershy giggled, and the two started across the marble 

floor for the doorway.

     Twilight gave Rarity another look.  "You sure you don't 


     "Quite...fine..., thank you!"  The cart was moving at a 

crawl, but it was moving.  "I'll see half an hour."

     "All right, then."  Her mind turning over her new 

apprehensions, Twilight trotted past Rarity and into the 



     Decidedly not huffing and puffing, two things a true lady 

would never do, Rarity still heaved a rather large sigh of 

relief upon dragging the cart to the first door down the 

hallway.  Knowing the opportunity this week represented, she had 

packed nearly half her shop--sewing machine, fabrics, patterns 

and all--and was determined to take full advantage of whatever 

luck might come her way.

     Poking her nose at the doorknob, she pushed inside, hoping 

the place would be large enough for a workroom--and stopped with 

a gasp, the charcoal-black unicorn stallion rifling the cabinets 

along the far wall spinning to face her.

     His steel-gray mane and tail looked as if they'd perhaps 

been nicely styled a number of weeks ago, and his cutie mark 

appeared at first glance to be a basketball, a brownish circle 

with curving lines throughout it.  Too many lines, though,  

Rarity realized at once, and the background color of his coat 

showed between them, giving her the impression of a spherical 

framework of some sort.

     A book hovered before him in the light of his horn, the 

panniers across his back already holding several others, and the 

shelves of the cabinet he was going through were full of them: 

dusty old tomes of the sort Rarity imagined Twilight would be 

interested in.  So she took a stance in the doorway, found her 

most imposing voice, and said, "A book thief, is it?  And not a 

very bright one, either, stealing from Princess Luna's own 


     The book slid into his pack.  "They're not hers," he said, 

his voice deep and gentle and not at all what Rarity had 

imagined a thief would sound like.  "Well, all right, they 

probably are hers, but she's made it quite clear she's not 

interested in them."  His eyes moved--looking her up and down, 

she realized--and while she found their deep blue color quite 

attractive, the disdain in them was decidedly less so.  "And I 

take it you're my replacement?"

     She sniffed.  "The only replacement I'm interested in is 

you replacing those books!"  She tapped the ground decisively.  

"At once, if you please, or I shall have to call--"  Realizing 

that she should have called out to her friends before this point 

in the conversation, Rarity forced herself to continue with 

false bravado.  "--for reinforcements!"

     His eyes narrowed.  "That might prove difficult, what with 

Her Highness deciding she doesn't need anypony around here 

anymore."  He gestured with his snout.  "So call by all means, 

miss.  I just find myself doubting you'll get a response.  Now, 

if you'll excuse me..."  He pushed brusquely past her into the 


     Shock froze her in place for a second, but just for a 

second.  "I will most certainly not excuse you!"  She stormed 

out after him.  "I shall instead inform the princess of your 

actions and request she take all appropriate measures!"

     "Fair enough."  He looked back over his shoulder.  "Tell 

her it was Orrery Stargazer and that Mother and I and the rest 

of us are staying with my uncle Daybreak.  It'll save her the 

trouble of having to track me down."

     Rarity blinked at him.  "Orrery?"

     He rolled his eyes.  "It's an old family name.  I was 

really looking forward to getting rid of it once Mother retired 

and I took her place as Night Minister, but, well, that's not 

going to happen now, is it?"  He started to face forward again, 

then stopped and gave her another look.  "Don't I know you from 


     "Possibly."  Rarity considered: apparently this stallion 

was involved in whatever Twilight had been talking about earlier 

in the throne room, a gentlecolt of formerly high rank now 

fallen on hard times.  Feeling a twinge of pity, she offered, "I 

am Rarity of the Carousal Boutique in Ponyville, here by royal 

decree of her Highness, Princess Luna.  I do hope you'll forgive 

me for thinking you a thief, but I'm newly arrived and wasn't 

expecting to find anypony here."

     Orrery's brow wrinkled.  "Princess Luna reads 'Clothes 

Horse' magazine?"

     Rarity let herself smile.  "As, apparently, do you."

     His eyes rolled again.  "I have sisters, and we've been in 

somewhat close quarters of late."  He turned all the way around 

and gave her a bow, smooth and sophisticated and making Rarity's 

heart pick up just a bit.  "I accept your apology, Miss Rarity, 

and offer you one of my own that I'm no longer in a position to 

offer you the welcoming reception you deserve."  He blew out a 

little sigh.  "If you've a spare moment, however, my uncle is 

still the Day Minister, and I feel certain we can arrange some 

small soiree to show you that this--"  He gestured at the 

shadowy hallway around them.  "This dreariness isn't at all 

representative of Canterlot."

     Rarity caught her breath.  Just what she'd been hoping for!  

"You honor me greatly with your invitation, sir.  My companions 

and I will be overjoyed to accept."

     "Companions?"  He blinked.  "You travel with an entourage, 

Miss Rarity?"

     "I travel with my friends, Mr. Stargazer."  She waved a 

hoof toward the other end of the hall.  "We were intrumental in 

returning Princess Luna to herself and to the rest of Equestria, 

and she has therefore--"

     "That, uhh..."  Orrery's ears folded slightly.  "That might 

not be something you wish to spread about publicly."  He took a 

step backwards, then turned and started for the arch that led 

back into the throne room.  "Still, send word to my uncle's 

house when you're free, and we'll see what we can do to amuse 

you and your friends.  Now, I'll ask you again to excuse me."  

And he trotted through the archway and out of sight.

Chapter 5

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